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Found 46214 results for any of the keywords summer health. Time 0.007 seconds.
Home - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramThe Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer program for students to explore their interests in medicine, dentistry, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, public health, and more. Th
Program Overview - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramThe Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with direction and technical assistance provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges
Eligibility Requirements - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramAll students who meet the Summer Health Professions Education Program eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply. Applicants must meet the following requirements:
Our Impact - Summer Health Professions Education Program637 scholars qualified for a Federal Pell Grant
Our History - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramOver the years, MMEP’s intensive academic preparation program expanded to 11 medical school campuses. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) assumed the role of the National Program Office in 1993.
Contact Us - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramPhone Number: 1-866-587-6337 (toll-free)
Application Materials - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramApplications will only be reviewed by designated program sites once the National Program Office processes the following materials in accordance with the admissions guidelines:
Admission Timeline - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramProgram sites are completely autonomous in their admission decisions. The SHPEP National Program Office (NPO) has established the following admission and acceptance procedures for program sites and applicants.
Our Staff - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramRajaa Ismail Program Specialist
Alumni Stories - Summer Health Professions Education ProgramDr. Dotson participated in SMDEP at the Yale School of Medicine in 2012. He completed college at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he studied neuroscience, while minoring in music, with an emphasis in
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